
Starter code for the Duke project

View the Project on GitHub akhilvuputuri/duke

User Guide



Duke is a Chatbot Personal Assistant to help keep track of various types of tasks.

The types of tasks are:

  1. Todo
    • Tasks with no attached attached date/time.
  2. Event
    • Tasks that have a start and end date/time
  3. Deadline
    • Tasks to be completed by a certain date.

Duke can:

  1. Add task
  2. Delete task
  3. Complete task
  4. List all tasks
  5. Find tasks based on keyword
  6. Sort tasks
  7. Exit


1. Add task

The type of task that can be added are:

  1. todo
  2. event
  3. deadline


todo - Add new todo

Format: todo [name]

Provide a name for Duke to associate the todo to.

Example of usage: todo read book

Expected outcome:

Todo Success

event - Add new event

Format: event [name] /at [date in ANY format]

Provide a name for Duke to associate the event to.

Example of usage: event book fair /at 25 Jan 07

Expected outcome:

Event Success

deadline - Add new deadline

Format: deadline [name] /by [date in yyyy-mm-dd]

Provide a name for Duke to associate the deadline to.

Example of usage:

deadline submit essay /by 2020-08-06

Expected outcome:

Deadline Success

2. Delete task

Delete an existing task.


delete - Delete task

Delete a task based on its index in the list. To find out a task’s index, check using the list command.

Format: delete [index]

Example of usage: delete 3

Expected outcome:

Delete Success

3. Complete task

Complete an existing task.


done - Complete a task

Complete a task and mark it as done based on its index in the list. To find out a task’s index, check using the list command.

Format: done [index]

Example of usage: done 2

Expected outcome:

Done Success

4. List all tasks

Shows all tasks.


list - List tasks

Display list of all tasks.

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome:

List Success

5. Find tasks based on keyword

Finds tasks with names containing the keyword.


find - Find task that contains a given keyword

Returns a list of tasks with names that contain the given keyword.

Format: find [keyword]

Example of usage: find book

Expected outcome:

Find Success

6. Sort Tasks

Tasks will be sorted by type and date/time.

When find or list commands are run, the list generated and displayed will be sorted by type in the order Todo, Event and Deadline. Deadlines are sorted chronologically by their date/time.

7. Exit

Close application


bye - Close application

Returns a list of tasks with names that contain the given keyword.

Example of usage: bye


GUI done with JavaFX Tutorial by Jeffry Lum

Da Vinci from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/ba/Leonardo_self.jpg

Mona Lisa from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Mona_Lisa%2C_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci%2C_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg